Page Permissions

Every Page in Vidigami has its own set of Permissions, which determines who can View, Contribute to, or Edit that page.

Permissions can be set for an individual user or a Group

Vidigami Administrators have access to all Pages, regardless of the Permissions that are set on any Page.

To add/edit Permissions on a Page:

There are two places you can change permissions:

1. On the Page itself: Go to your Explore area of Vidigami and click on a Page. Click on the person icon:

2. In Page Management - Three dot menu ⇨ Manage Site ⇨ Page Management. Find the Page you want to edit, and click on the person with the + icon.

If you want to share with all Current Users at your school, select School Year Only. If you want to share with both Current & Past Vidigami Users (e.g. Alumni), select Everyone. If you want to share with only specific users / groups, select Invited Only/Groups Only

We recommend selecting "Contribute" for everyone who has access to the Page. What this means, is if a user has a Role that allows them to Upload Media, they will be able to Contribute to the Page. If their Role does not include Upload Media, they will not be able to upload to this or any other Page or container in Vidigami regardless of setting. 

NOTE: If you selected Invited Only and/or if you chose View above, you can add additional users / groups to your Page each with their own set of permissions. Type in the name of a Group or Individual. Change the Permission in the drop-down to View, Contribute, or Edit. Click Save.

Permission Levels:

  1. VIEW - users in the group are able to View any photos on the Page or in Albums on that Page.
  2. CONTRIBUTE - users in the group be able to View and Contribute media to the Page and/or Albums on that Page.
  3. EDIT - users are allowed to View, Contribute, and Create albums on the Page.