Uploading Photos

One of the best things about Vidigami is sharing photos you have taken with the school community!

On a Computer 

Using "Upload":

  1. Have .jpg photos loaded on your computer in a folder. (If your images are HEIC, use Safari to upload or convert to Jpg before uploading.)
  2. In Vidigami, click on UPLOAD (top right):
  3. Click on "Computer":
  4. Navigate to the folder of photos on your device.
  5. Select the photos to upload and click on "OPEN".
  6. In the "Share Media" pop-up, click on "Share to a page"
    (Note: if you were already on the page that you will be uploading to, go to Step 7):
    UPLOAD_share_media_popup copy-2
  7. The "Share Media" pop-up will expand. In the "Choose Page" field, type in the name of the Page you are uploading to. Once located, select that page. (Note: If you were already on the Page that you are uploading to, the Page name will auto-populate.):

  8. OPTIONAL: Select an existing Album on the page, OR click "CREATE NEW" to start a new album (if you have been granted the permissions to do so).
  9. OPTIONAL: Add a description and/or Tags to your upload.
  10. Click "POST".

Using "Drag & Drop":

  1. Open the folder of .jpg photos on your computer.
  2. In your browser, navigate to the Page or Album you will be uploading to.
  3. Select all the photos in the folder and drag to the browser window:
  4. Follow steps 7-9 above.

On an iPhone

  1. Make sure you have the V3 Vidigami App Installed.
  2. Click on + 
  3. Click on the Upload Media Icon. 
  4. Click on Photo Library. 
  5. Click on the photos you want to add to Vidigami.
  6. Click Add.
  7. Follow steps 6-9 above.

On an Android

  1. Make sure you have the V3 Vidigami App Installed.
  2. Click on +
  3. Click on the Upload Media Icon. 
  4. Select Files.
  5. Click the Gallery Button and select photo(s) for upload. 
  6. Follow steps 6-9 above.

TIP: When using a computer, photos should be saved as .jpg or .png. You can upload .heic from a Mac using Safari and the "Upload" option. 

NOTE: The school determines which users can contribute and on which Pages. If you are unable to upload photos, check with your school’s Vidigami Admin.